DHP & Microbes

Project: The Synexis BioDefense System

Animation created for the Synexis BioDefense System, a cutting-edge device that converts naturally occurring oxygen and humidity in the air to Dry Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2), otherwise known as DHP®.

Above: Dry Hydrogen Peroxide (DHP) molecules attacking a spore.

This unique molecule works continuously to attack the mold, bacteria and viruses (including SARS-CoV-2) that hide in any type of indoor space.

Our job was to visualize the breakdown and conversion of particles to be converted into DHP, as well as show how DHP molecules are drawn to and destroy various types of viruses, bacteria and mold.

There was very specific direction on how the DHP engages with (and destroys) each kind of pathogen, as well as the behavior of subatomic particles in the breakdown-and-conversion process inside the catalyst space.