Influenza & the Heart

Influenza & the Heart

Project: Influenza and the Heart MOD Sequence from an animation that explores influenza, the body’s immune response to the virus, and how it may cause dangerous levels of inflammation throughout multiple body organ systems. Above: white blood cells approaching a burgeoning plaque in a blood vessel In this excerpt, we depict a plaque rupture and…

DHP & Microbes

DHP & Microbes

Project: The Synexis BioDefense System Animation created for the Synexis BioDefense System, a cutting-edge device that converts naturally occurring oxygen and humidity in the air to Dry Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2), otherwise known as DHP®. Above: Dry Hydrogen Peroxide (DHP) molecules attacking a spore. This unique molecule works continuously to attack the mold, bacteria and viruses (including…