The Widespread Effects of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Jul 11, 2019

2.5 minute animation that explores the multiple factors contributing to joint inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis and the role of IL-6, one of the most abundant multifunctional cytokines in the synovial fluid of patients with RA.

IL-6 is a key driver of articular and systemic manifestations and major player in inflammation, immunity, and disease.

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Leveraging Augmented Reality for Medical Devices

Jan 12, 2019

Video capture of augmented reality app experience that highlights the features and benefits of our client’s innovative transcatheter pulmonary valve therapy device.

Our role included all aspects, including close collaboration with the client on overall concept and creation of product’s augmented “story,” production of real-time 3D experience & assets, as well as interface design and deployment of app.

Working closely with our client, we created an experience that provides the user with first-hand interaction of the device, as well as the ability to explore key features & benefits using a custom user interface design.

Frustrated by the limitations and prohibitive nature of taking prototypes and products on the road, our client is thrilled to now have an effective, high-quality augmented reality experience for use at various shows and events. Having the ability to instantly point out features and benefits using a self-contained AR device is a huge advantage.

Thanks to the immediacy, immersion, and presence that augmented reality provides, the advantages of leveraging the experience for patient education are amazing as well.

While AR and VR appear to be gaining ground in the areas of gaming and social media, healthcare and medical device industries are also beginning to realize their tremendous potential as well.

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Augmented Reality for Autotransfusion System

Jun 03, 2019

Augmented reality experience and app developed for the support of our client’s autotransfusion system. Developed as a key global training tool for service technicians, equipment service and support team members.

This in-depth AR experience allows the technician to virtually “place” the AutoLog IQ unit in their own space. Interactive callouts and a user interface help the user locate, examine, and disassemble device components, as well as re-assemble the system parts back into place. Imagine the benefits of this app versus having to locate the correct documentation and finding parts from a schematic.

Because the augmented device environment is a virtual mirror of the actual real-life system, this experience offers technicians the ability to take control of their learning process — on their own time, and at their own location. Videos are also available in the app to support the user experience.

A key for this project was to appropriate the system’s detailed CAD data and convert it into a reasonable format suitable for AR and real-time display.

Our role included all aspects, including close collaboration with the client on overall concept and creation of product’s augmented “story,” production of real-time 3D experience & assets, as well as interface design and deployment of app.

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11-foot-tall interactive beating heart installation

Jul 30, 2019

Large-scale, interactive installation featuring a beating heart and flow simulation of the body’s circulatory system.

The heartbeat and blood flow respond interactively to visitors in the facility: as more people enter the University Center, the heart rate elevates; as they leave, the heartbeat lowers. 

Created in the visual style of an MRI, the 11-foot-tall, 8-foot-wide installation serves as a living welcome to visitors of the Texas Tech Health Sciences Center.

This animation features a few of the sequences we produced for the final piece, including the particle simulations of blood pressure and flow.

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